Christmas 2023, gifts for orphans

Let's look back at how we started...

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  • Andrei CN
  • 2 min read
Photo by John.

The beginning is always difficult. As much as it is difficult, however, it is exciting and adventurous. Right? You never know what you can do until you try it. We decided to not only try but to make an effort to see how without any starting resources whatsoever, we could make the idea of a happier children come to life.

From idea to actions

The team has decided to focus on a few orphelinates from Cahul region (southern Moldova), that happen to be overlooked by established charity foundations. The idea was to start the program, with quite simple gifts in the first years, and over the next periods to improve and personalize the gifts for every individual child according to his physical parameters, as well as their wishes.

Pitching the idea around, over 90 percent of those who heard it had responded positively, by offering either encouragement or some kind of help. A few people have offered small financial donations, others helped in poducing the gift packages, transporting the packages to Moldova. Another group of volunteers, have offered their time to go to the orpelinates, communicate and distribute the gifts to the children.

Thus around 20 people from Denmark, Germany and Moldova have joined to make the life of a child better.

Conclusion: It’s time to act

If you are reading this, you are probably a someone who has the opportunity to influence the lives of many children, but at least one. Hurry, Up! Let’s make a change together! We launch the Christmas Gifts 2.0, that is gifts tailored for each child individually, with care.

If you want to join the next project, click here.

Andrei CN

Written by : Andrei CN

Researcher in Behavioral Economics Markets


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